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Naturally Treat the Effects of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Naturally Treat the Effects of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common painful disease associated with repetitive motions of the wrists which are linked to continuous rapid use of the fingers. A disorder that affects many people today and is considered the curse of modern existence. It results from the compression of the median nerve which controls the feeling and the movement of parts of the hand such as the thumb muscles. This compression is the result of increased pressure on the median tendons in the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel is a small opening below the surface of the wrist through which the median nerve passes. Anything that puts pressure on the median nerve can lead to CTS.

Women between the ages of 29 and 62 appear to be the most affected by carpal tunnel syndrome. They are three times more likely than men to get carpal tunnel syndrome while older people are at greater risk for CPS than younger people.

Carpal tunnel syndrome usually affects the dominant hand, although most cases affect both hands eventually.





Among the causes that are responsible to provoke carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Family history.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Obesity.
  • Oral contraceptives.
  • Metabolic and inflammatory conditions (diabetes, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism).
  • Certain injuries to the wrist.
  • Menopause.
  • Excessive use of a computer.

The majority of cases have been remedied using alternative therapies over a period of several weeks or months without having to resort to surgery.



The symptoms of CTS tend to develop gradually and usually start off being worse at night or early in the morning.

  • tingling
  • a feeling of numbness in the hands
  • a dull ache and discomfort in the hand, forearm, or upper arm
  • a burning sensation in the hand
  • becoming less sensitive to touch
  • weakness and atrophy of the muscles at the base of the thumb and first two fingers.



  • If you work at a computer situate your body so that your forearms lay flat and your wrists straight.
  • The Head, neck, and trunk should be faced forward, not twisted.
  • Use ergonomic tools.
  • Stretch the affected areas.
  • Take frequent rest breaks to shake arms and legs, lean back, and change position throughout the work day.
  • Wear the wrist splints. It will help to reduce pressure on the affected wrist.
  • A physical therapist can teach you strengthening exercises.
  • Take vitamin Bor even better vitamin B-complex.
  • Do not eat salt.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • Try to work in a warm, dry place.
  • Maintain ideal weight, and lose weight if necessary.
  • Avoid foods containing sodium.
  • If possible, stop all repetitive finger movements for several days.


Exercises for CTS

1) Turn your wrists upwards pointing your fingers towards the ceiling. Clench both hands firmly in a fist and squeeze hard. Flex your wrists down, hold for around five seconds and then relax them. Allow your arms to drop to your sides and gently shake your fingers.

2) Clench your hand into a fist, then straighten your thumb and fingers. Flex your wrist back, then move your thumb as far from your palm as possible. Keep this position for around five seconds, then turn your wrist around so your palm is facing upwards. Hold your thumb with the other hand and gently pull it away from your palm. Keep for this for around five seconds. Repeat the whole process five times.

3) Keeping your neck free of tension will help your shoulders, and therefore could help ease carpal tunnel pain. Gently allow your head to fall forward with its own weight, roll it towards your left shoulder then back again, and let your jaw relax. Now roll your head to your right should, then forwards and up. Again repeat the whole exercise five times.

4) Start with your hands together in a prayer position. Spread fingers apart as far as you can, then “steeple” the fingers by separating the palms of hands but keeping fingers together.



Beneficial Herbs 




Aloe Vera

Juice, gel

Restores flexibility, anti-inflammatory



Provides quick pain relief






Anti-inflammatory. Reduces swelling



Stimulates circulation; anti-inflammatory

Butcher’s broom


Stops swelling caused by repetitive motion stress




Chaparral and osha

Hand bath

Provides long-term inflammation relief

Corn silk

Tea bag

Stops muscle cramps.

Devil’s claw


Relieves pain, restores flexibility

Gingko Biloba

Tea, capsule

Improves circulation, aids nerve function

Marshmallow root


Soothes and softens tissue


Tincture, capsule tablet,

Keeps swelling down



Relieves muscle spasms

St. John’s Wort


Improves transmission over the median nerve. Stimulates circulation



Relieves pain, anti-inflammatory



Relieve muscle pain; increases circulation


Tea, capsules

Restores flexibility, anti-inflammatory


In the market, there are also some formulas that help the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.

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