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Fighting Warts the Natural Way

Fighting Warts the Natural Way


Warts aren’t exactly something you want to show off to all of your family and friends. In someone who is healthy, roughly 20 percent of all warts end up clearing up in just three months. Another 60 percent of those resolve their wart problems in about two years. As such, you don’t always need to have your warts treated. However, they can be quite embarrassing, painful and irritating. Thankfully, there are a number of different treatment options available to put an end to your wart situation. If you are looking for ways to eliminate your warts, find out more below.

Topical Treatment

There are a number of topical medications that contain salicylic acid, which works to remove the layers of the wart one at a time. The medication is applied to the wart regularly. This method tends to be most effective when you use it along with cryotherapy.


Cryotherapy is often quite painful. It can also take weeks to work. Essentially, it freezes the wart using liquid nitrogen. This causes a blister to form around it. Once that blister peels off, part or all of the wart will peel off with it. It might take multiple treatments for this method to work. You could end up having to go back every few weeks until the wart is gone for it to actually be effective. The treatment tends to work a lot better if you follow it up with the salicylic acid treatments after the area has had a chance to heal.

Immune Therapy

Medications are often used to help stimulate your immune system and help it fight against viral warts. Your doctor could end up injecting the wats with a type of foreign substance of apply the antigen topically.

Minor Surgery

Another option to get rid of your warts is by having them cut away using an electric needle. Because this particular procedure can be quite painful, your skin will have to be numbed beforehand. Surgery can also end up causing scarring, so you need to be aware of this ahead of time. It also isn’t used on plantar warts, so it might not be an option for everyone.

Laser Treatment

Laser surgery utilizes a strong beam of light, or lasers, to burn and effectively destroy all of the wart tissue. There isn’t a lot of evidence out there about how effective this particular method of treatment is right now, so it isn’t often the first choice for many doctors. It can also cause scarring and a great deal of pain, so you need to consider that before going with this option as well.

Just because you might have a wart bugging you right now, that doesn’t mean you have to deal with it for the rest of your life. There are things that you can do to get rid of the wart and restore your appearance. Spend some time discussing the various options with your doctor to determine what way you should proceed with treating your warts.