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4 Natural Painkillers That You Probably Never Knew Existed

4 Natural Painkillers That You Probably Never Knew Existed


Countless people suffer from one type of pain or another. Pain can be attributed to any number of different things. Oftentimes, people end up turning to painkillers to help put an end to their struggles. Thankfully, you don’t have to turn to harsh prescriptions to get the results you seek. You can turn to any number of all-natural painkillers, some of which you might already have inside of your home.


Painfully Spicy Foods

Anyone who loves hot stuff knows that there is some degree of pain involved in consuming it. What you might not realize is that hot foods such as cayenne pepper and wasabi can function like its own natural painkiller. Cayenne pepper offers several forms of natural pain relief. This powerful pepper can help to alleviate pain you are dealing with after an operation, such as after going through an amputation or mastectomy.

Cayenne pepper also works great to kill candida. Its active agent can fight against 16 fungal strains linked to joint pain. It helps relieve external pain. Capsaicin can help treat muscle soreness, skin infections and tension. Wasabi also contains natural painkillers.

Epsom Salt

Magnesium-rich Epsom salts are natural painkillers for treating joint and bone pain and muscle soreness. It also comes in handy if you are dealing with splinters or soreness after giving birth. If you soak an area with a splinter in Epsom salts and water, it will help to draw the splinter out. Sitz baths with Epsom salts also help to increase magnesium and put an end to inflammation associated with pain from giving birth.

Self-Myofascial Release

Foam roller exercises might be mildly painful at first, but it can help to eliminate knots in your muscles while correcting muscle imbalances causing poor posture and musculoskeletal pain. This treatment can help reduce your chance of developing muscle onset soreness and prevent you from having to head to the gym.

Pain Relieving Oils

There are a number of different oils that can help put an end to your pain, such as:

  • Evening primrose oil – This oil is becoming more popular today as a PMS treatment because it is loaded with gamma-linolenic acid. It works to balance hormones and eliminate premenstrual symptoms.
  • Arnica oil – Eliminate carpal tunnel pain with the help of arnica oil. For some individuals, it can help to eliminate pain to where you don’t need to undergo surgery. Arnica oil also helps to ease inflammation associated with bruises, arthritis and insect bites. Apply the oil twice per day to reduce bruising.
  • Lavender and Peppermint oil – Blend these two oils together to help eliminate headache pain. Peppermint oil works to improve circulation and the lavender reduces muscle tension. Rub the oil on your forehead, the back of your neck and the temples.


With so many different items available to help put an end to your pain and suffering, there is no reason why you should have to deal with all of the added pain and discomfort. It’s never been as easy as it is today to find a solution to your pain without having to take a bunch of prescription medications.

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